image Description

MR Images Analysis Software for Neurodegenerative Disorders

Neurophet AQUA is AI-powered software that analyzes brain atrophy and WMH detected in brain MRI.

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AI-powered brain MRI quantification analysis software

 MFDS (Korea) certified   US-FDA 510(k) cleared   CE MDD marked   MHLW (Japan) approved   HSA (Singapore) approved 

Segments main brain parts into more than 100 regions and measures volume to compare to normative data built from cognitive normal populations and provides quantitative analysis results.

Assesses and quantifies severity of white matter hyperintensities.

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Accurate and quick analysis

Analyzes brain atrophy accurately and quickly through AI engine developed using more than 10,000 MRI cases.

Clinically proved analysis failure rate is 0% and it only takes five minutes to segment and analyze brain images.

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White matter hyperintensity analysis

Provides quantitative analysis for WMH* caused by neurodegeneration, which can be detected in MR images, and describes severities based on Fazekas scale.

*WMH: White Matter Hyperintensity

Consistent results
through high compatibility

Able to analyze consistently for MR images of 1.5T and 3T, which are the MRI resolutions commonly used in medical institutions.

It is compatible with most of MRI scanners of global manufacturers.

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Longitudinal analysis to track changes

Automatically measures changes in brain volume and scale by major brain regions of MR images from past to present.

Able to trace the result effectively by comparing to normative data.

Automatically segments brain MRI and provides quantitative data on brain volume and white matter hyperintensities in customized analysis reports.

Fully automated
brain segmentation

Atrophy pattern analysis
by brain region

Brain atrophy
percentile analysis

White Matter
Hyperintensities analysis

Automated inter-operation
with PACS

Custom report

Product information

Software for analysis of medical image


Neurophet AQUA

Product Certificate No.

20-4771 (MFDS, Class ll)

This product is a medical device.

Experience brain MRI analysis software, Neurophet AQUA

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